
National Council

The SSPA is administered by a body called the National Council elected at every National Annual General Meeting held at the National Convention each year. Its structure includes an executive consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and a committee of ordinary National Council members.The elected National Council meets on a quarterly basis i.e. approximately every three months. Its first meeting is always held directly after each Annual General Meeting in October, and thereafter, meets in December, and then March and June of the following year. While the meetings require the attendance of National Council members, it also allows for members to attend in the capacity of observers. The meetings are held at a member’s home and are generally followed by a social get-together.The main duty of the National Council is to disseminate all such information to SSPA members as the Council considers is in the interests of the members and consistent with the objectives of the SSPA. This is by means of meetings, published minutes, circulars, SSPA Journal or otherwise, as the Council sees fit.

Nominations for National Council

Each year, prior to the SSPA AGM, members are invited to nominate fellow SSPA members for election to the National Council, by completing and submitting the nomination form which is either made available at a State Branch meeting, or via the SSPA Journal. This is especially useful for those members who will not be attending the AGM. Each nomination must be moved and seconded. In order for a National Council nomination to be valid, the nominee must be a financial member.

Please note that nominations are also accepted from the floor on the day of the AGM.

Where two or more members are nominated for a National Council office-bearer position, the result is usually determined by a show of hands from the floor at the AGM



State Branches

State Branches in New South Wales, Victoria are administered by a State Branch Committee consisting of a Branch Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer plus a committee of ordinary members. Each State Branch holds regular meetings, usually held in a member’s home on a weekend allowing for the attendance of members and their families. It provides the main opportunity for members to get together at a local level. Occasionally, State Branch meetings are held in conjunction with a social function.State Branches organise a number of social and recreational functions and weekends throughout the year which may include barbecues, car rallies, restaurant dinners, basketball weekends, get-togethers for parents with short-statured babies and young children, as well as the organisation of Christmas parties for both the adult and children members.Other states run social branch’s with no formal structure.