
Membership begins 1st July every year

Membership benefits

  • Connect with Short Statured People & Parents from around Australia.
  • Receive advice & support from other members
  • Four issues of the National SSPA Journal (either print or electronic version) per year.
  • Travel subsidies for short-statured people to attend the annual National Conventions (when funds are available).
  • Discounts on National Convention registration fees
  • Access to the SSPA Library.
  • Access to the Careers and Vocational Guidance Fund: The SSPA’s Careers & Vocational Guidance Fund was established to assist people of short stature, whether it be in education, their careers or personal circumstances.  Assistance is given at the discretion of the trustees.
  • Access to the expertise of medical and health care professionals on the SSPA Professional Advisory Board.
  • Opportunities to attend Short Stature symposiums.
  • Opportunities to participate in competitive sporting opportunities with those of a similar stature

Please find a brochure on membership here

To become a member of the SSPA or to renew your membership , the following link will take you to our online membership form:

SSPA Membership Tool

Membership of the SSPA is open to people of short stature, their family & friends or indeed anyone with a genuine interest in short stature.

Details of our current membership categories are as follows:

  • SSI (Short Statured Individual) – Any person of short stature over the age of 18. Entitled to one vote.
  • P/G (Parent Guardian) – a parent/guardian of a person of short stature who is under 18, or a dependent student under 25. Entitled to one vote.
  • Family membership – two parent/guardians of a person of short stature who is under 18, or a dependent student under 25. Entitled to two votes.
  • Ordinary membership – any interested person who has a relative or friend of short stature or who has a valid interest in short stature. Entitled to one vote.
  • Youth Member – Short statured individual aged 16-25.
  • Corporate membership – not entitled to vote.
  • Life membership – awarded to a long serving member of the SSPA . Determined by the membership. Entitled to one vote.

Now members may take advantage of advanced payment memberships of 3 or 5 years. See the table of fees below:


   1 Year  3 Years  5 Years
 Short Statured Individual (SSI)
 entitled to 1 vote
 40  114  185
 Parent Guardian (P/G)
 entitled to 1 vote
 40  114  185
 Ordinary Member (not short statured)
 entitled to 1 vote
 40  114  185
 Corporate Member
 Not entitled to vote
 40  114  185
 New members
 receive 10% discount
 36  104  165


   1 Year  3 Years  5 Years
 entitled to 2 votes                            
 70  200  330
 New Family Members
 10% discount
 63  180  300


   1 Year  3 Years 5 Years
 Youth Member
 entitled to 1 vote                            
 30  85  138
 New Youth members
 receive 10% discount
 27  75  125

SSPA Membership form

To join, complete and submit the SSPA Membership form by clicking on the link below:

SSPA Membership Tool

Payment can be made using the tool and a credit card.

If you are paying by direct deposit. Please register/renew and then pay into account with the reference number as the description:

BSB: 633 000

Account Number: 179 979 737

For any general membership enquiries, contact the SSPA Membership Secretary at: [email protected]